00406 | Luz para examen médico, LED, Alcance: 1100mm, Basculante con Muelle, atenuable, 230 V EDL Lighting Limited

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Luz para examen médico, LED, Alcance: 1100mm, Basculante con Muelle, atenuable, 230 V EDL Lighting Limited

The EDL Industries XL4 is an ergonomically designed, energy efficient patient light. Its purpose is to cover a spectrum of applications within the Healthcare Sector ranging from hospital wards to doctor’s surgeries. The unique features of the XL4 make it ideal to use for both patient and medical staff.

Tags: Iluminación, Luminarias y Apliques para Iluminación, Iluminación para Reconocimientos y otros Usos Médicos.

Entrega y precio
Unidades/pack 1
Precio unitario 599,819€
Entrega 7 días