101520 | Módulo de E/S PLC Eaton, 24 V, 35,5 x 90 x 58 mm

1 variante disponible.

⚠️ Dada la caótica situación de precios y plazos en el sector les rogamos, temporalmente, tomen la información mostrada como orientativa.

Módulo de E/S PLC Eaton, 24 V, 35,5 x 90 x 58 mm

Fabricado por: Eaton

These modules enable Easy Controllers type 700, 800 and MFD to be connected as slaves in a network to a higher level PLC or supervisory system. However, as there is only one connector at the right hand end of the controller, only one of these options may be implemented. This limitation does not extend to the Easy-NET facility on the Easy800 which is a completely separate feature, with its own dedicated RJ45 connectors on the top of the controller. In other words, Easy800 controllers can have their I/O expanded whilst also being networked with up to eight other Easy800 or MFD-Titan controllers via the built in Easy-NET facility.

Tags: Automatización y Control de Procesos, Autómatas Programables, Interfaz Hombre-Máquina y Adquisición de Datos, Módulos E/S para Autómatas Programables.

Entrega y precio
Unidades/pack 1
Precio unitario 267,083€
Entrega 7 días