178-5022 | Relé temporizador de retardo

1 variante disponible.

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Relé temporizador de retardo

Fabricado por: Rs Pro

An 11 pin plug in DPCO asymmetrical cyclic timer. A selector switch is provided to select eight different time ranges from 1 sec to 100 days independently on both T1 & T2, fine time selection on a selected range is then achieved via the two percentage potentiometers. A green supply on LED is featured along with a red LED to indicate relay output status. All pin details and the function information is clearly marked on the sides of the housing. Pause first - The timing is initiated by supply on pins 2 & 10. Timing commences to energise relay contacts and then times to de-energise relay contacts. This cycle continues so long as the supply is connected. The time period on both energisation and de-energisation (T1 & T2) are independently selectable. If the supply is removed at any point within the cycle any remaining time will be cancelled and if the relay contacts are energised they will de-energise. Pulse first - Exactly the same as above, but a volt free link needs to be fitted externally across pins 2 & 5. On the connection of the supply to pins 2 & 10 the relay contacts immediately energise and then time to de-energise.

Tags: Automatización y Control de Procesos, Temporizadores y Contadores, Relés Temporizadores.

Entrega y precio
Unidades/pack 1
Precio unitario 56,541€
Entrega 7 días