178-5024 | Relé temporizador de retardo

1 variante disponible.

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Relé temporizador de retardo

Fabricado por: Rs Pro

An 11 pin plug in 2x SPCO star delta delay timer. A selector switch is provided to select four different time ranges from 0.1 sec to 10 mins, fine time selection on a selected range is then achieved via a percentage potentiometer. A green supply on LED is featured along with a red LED to indicate relay output status. All terminal details and the function information is clearly marked on the sides of the housing. The timing is initiated by supply on pins 2 & 10, which immediately starts the “star” time during which the “star” contacts remain closed. After expiry of the “star” time the “star” contacts open. This is followed by a pause of 100mSec and the “delta” contacts then close. Removal of the supply after timing has been completed and the “delta” relay contacts will de-energise, if removal of the supply is before timing has been completed, the remaining time will be cancelled.

Tags: Automatización y Control de Procesos, Temporizadores y Contadores, Relés Temporizadores.

Entrega y precio
Unidades/pack 1
Precio unitario 49,557€
Entrega 7 días