178-5029 | Relé temporizador de retardo

1 variante disponible.

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Relé temporizador de retardo

Fabricado por: Rs Pro

An attractive modern designed multi “everything” timer in a din rail mounted modular style housing of 1.5 modules width (27mm). The timer features the facility of double deck terminals thus enabling the timer to be available uniquely as 4PCO. A selector switch is provided to select eight different time ranges from 0.1 sec to 10 days, fine time selection on a selected range is then achieved via a percentage potentiometer. A further selector switch is then used to select one of eight different functions. A green supply on LED is featured along with a red LED to indicate relay output status. All terminal details and the function selection information is clearly marked on the sides of the housing. On functions utilising the trigger input “S”, this input should preferably be clean. However, within reason small loads can be connected between “S” & “A2", such as relay coils or indicator lights.

Tags: Automatización y Control de Procesos, Temporizadores y Contadores, Relés Temporizadores.

Entrega y precio
Unidades/pack 1
Precio unitario 52,041€
Entrega 7 días