BOXTM-60-F0S0-LI | Toyogiken Terminal Block BOXTM-60-F0S0-L

1 variante disponible.

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Toyogiken Terminal Block BOXTM-60-F0S0-L

Fabricado por: Toyogiken

The BOXTM series come in the form of compact resin terminal boxes designed for easy installation on industrial equipment. You are sure to find a number of advantages of the combining box and terminal unit. For instance, the time wasted in selecting an applicable terminal model or installing a terminal unit after delivery is now a thing of the past. Also, the lightweight and compactness allows installation near moving parts or in limited space. The resin material used with the BOXTM series proves quite competent. For its high quality and easy installation, this series is best suited for applications on industrial machinery, such as machine tools and dedicated machines, as well as in harsh service environment.

Tags: Automatización y Control de Procesos, Contactores, Contactores.

Entrega y precio
Unidades/pack 1
Precio unitario 19,972€
Entrega 7 días