EZ365 | Comprobador de tomas eléctricas Martindale, EZ365, 13A, 230V ac, CAT II 300 V, 300V

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Comprobador de tomas eléctricas Martindale, EZ365, 13A, 230V ac, CAT II 300 V, 300V

Fabricado por: Martindale

The Martindale socket and earth loop tester, RCD tester detect 28 faulty conditions and voltage level indication. It has a nominal operating voltage rating of 230V and current rating of 32A. This is also used for trip testing 30mA RCDs. It shows how safe the earth wiring, checks for polarity swap at the incoming supply.

Tags: Prueba y Medida, Equipos de Prueba Eléctrica, Comprobadores de tomas eléctricas.

Entrega y precio
Unidades/pack 1
Precio unitario 94,090€
Entrega 11 días