FXS ENG KIT 02 | Láminas de Apantallamiento FXS ENG KIT 02

2 variantes disponibles.

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Láminas de Apantallamiento FXS ENG KIT 02

Fabricado por: Kemet

KEMET Flex Suppression Kit includes 1 off 120 x 120mm of 11 different sheets from their EF Series.Product is designed to suppress high-frequency noise generated from electronic devices, as well as being used to improve signal transmissions and reception.The Polymer based product is blended with micron-sized magnetic powders, dispersed into the material, and can be cut to any shape.

Tags: Prototipos para PCB, Materiales de Apantallamiento EMI y RFI, Láminas de Apantallamiento.

Mejor precio
Unidades/pack 5
Precio unitario 171,990€
Entrega 30 días

Flex Suppressor Engineering Kit

Fabricado por: Kemet

KEMET Flex Suppression Kit includes 1 off 120 x 120mm of 11 different sheets from their EF Series.Product is designed to suppress high-frequency noise generated from electronic devices, as well as being used to improve signal transmissions and reception.The Polymer based product is blended with micron-sized magnetic powders, dispersed into the material, and can be cut to any shape.

Tags: Prototipos para PCB, Materiales de Apantallamiento EMI y RFI, Láminas de Apantallamiento.

Mejor fecha de entrega
Unidades/pack 1
Precio unitario 217,164€
Entrega 7 días