HMC799LP3E | Amplificador RF, Ganancia 42 dB / Ruido Entrada 150nA RMS, DC a 700 MHz, 4.5 V a 5.5 V, QFN-16

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Amplificador RF, Ganancia 42 dB / Ruido Entrada 150nA RMS, DC a 700 MHz, 4.5 V a 5.5 V, QFN-16

Frecuencia Mínima: 0Hz Frecuencia Máxima: 700MHz Ganancia: 42dB

Tags: Semiconductores - Circuitos Integrados, Radiofrecuencia (RF), Amplificadores de RF.

Mejor precio
Unidades/pack 50
Precio unitario 18,760€
Entrega >30 días

Amplificador de RF HMC799LP3E, 42 dB 1-Canales 350 MHz SMT, 16-Pines

The HMC799LP3E is DC to 700 MHz Transimpedance amplifier designed for opto-electronic laser sensor applications, FDDI receivers and receiver systems employing optical to electrical conversion. This amplifier provides a single-ended output voltage that is proportional to an applied current at its input port. This current is typically provided by a photodiode. Operating from a single +5V supply, HMC799LP3E features very low input referred noise, and very large electrical input dynamic range exceeding 65 dB. 10 kOhm or 80 dB-Ohms transimpedance gain provides very good sensitivity at higher data rates. The output of HMC799LP3E is internally matched to 50 ohms. External matching is not necessary. The HMC799LP3E exhibits excellent gain and output power stability over temperature, while requiring a minimal number of external bias components.

Tags: Semiconductores, Amplificadores y Comparadores, Amplificadores RF Integrados.

Mejor fecha de entrega
Unidades/pack 50
Precio unitario 23,959€
Entrega 30 días