INSDX128G10-95/90U1 | Tarjeta SD Integral Memory SDXC 128 GB

1 variante disponible.

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Tarjeta SD Integral Memory SDXC 128 GB

The Integral Memory SDXC SD card is a 128GB card with super quick reading and writing speed for high-end devices. This fast ranges of Memory cards allow you to capture 4K video without lag or dropped frames. It can smoothly capture high-resolution burst images. The 4K, 2K, full HD, 3D videos, large RAW and JPEG photos can be saved to the memory card at ultra-fast speed. This ranges of SD cards makes photo and video editing is much quicker and more enjoyable.

Tags: Informática y periféricos, Almacenamiento de datos y memoria, Tarjetas SD.

Entrega y precio
Unidades/pack 1
Precio unitario 33,436€
Entrega 7 días