LART/2 12-230V AC/DC | Relé temporizador de retardo, 2, 0.1 s → 100 h, 12 → 230 V ac/dc

1 variante disponible.

⚠️ Dada la caótica situación de precios y plazos en el sector les rogamos, temporalmente, tomen la información mostrada como orientativa.

Relé temporizador de retardo, 2, 0.1 s → 100 h, 12 → 230 V ac/dc

The timer is offered with two operating modes:On/Off RecyclingWhen power is applied, the output relay energizes for the set “on” time delay period. After this delay has elapsed, the relay de-energizes and remains in this state for the set “off” time delay period. After this period has elapsed, the relay re-energizes and the sequence starts over again and continues to operate like this for as long as the power is applied.Off/On RecyclingIs the reverse of the above whereby the relay remains de-energized for the set “off” time delay period as soon as power is applied.

Tags: Automatización y Control de Procesos, Temporizadores y Contadores, Relés Temporizadores.

Entrega y precio
Unidades/pack 1
Precio unitario 44,378€
Entrega 7 días