TSDMTX-19V2-EVM | Módulo Transmisor TS80000, Wireless Charging EVM Firmware TSDMTX-19V2-EVM

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Módulo Transmisor TS80000, Wireless Charging EVM Firmware TSDMTX-19V2-EVM

Fabricado por: Semtech

The Semtech TSDMTX-19V2-EVM wireless charging transmitter evaluation board is a dual-mode transmitter evaluation platform for test and experimentation of a wireless charging transmitter based on the Semtech TS80000 wireless power transmitter controller, TS61002 FET driver, TS30011 DC/DC converter, TS94033 current sense amplifier, and SC32300B driver. This evaluation module provides a complete system solution for both Qi and PMA standards of power transmission, making this transmitter an ideal platform for powering the majority of wireless receivers in use today. The TSDMTX-19V2-EVM evaluation module is a ready-to-use demonstration platform allowing testing of up to 15 watts of wireless power transmission compliant with the dominant industry standards - Qi and PMA.

Tags: Semiconductores, Kits de Desarrollo para Semiconductor, Kits de Desarrollo de Control de Potencia.

Entrega y precio
Unidades/pack 1
Precio unitario 165,996€
Entrega 7 días