TSWIRX-5V2-EVM | Módulo, Receptor de potencia inalámbrico Transmisor TS80002, Wireless Charging EVM Firmware TSWIRX-5V2-EVM

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Módulo, Receptor de potencia inalámbrico Transmisor TS80002, Wireless Charging EVM Firmware TSWIRX-5V2-EVM

Fabricado por: Semtech

The Semtech TSWIRX-5V2-EVM wireless charging receiver evaluation board is an evaluation platform for the test and experimentation of a wireless charging receiver based on the Semtech TS51223 fully-integrated IC for wireless power receiver applications. This platform is used for demonstration testing of approximately 1.25W of wireless power transmission. The type of antenna coil selected will determine the output power which ranges between 0.5W and 2W. It contains TS51223, which is a fully integrated low power wireless power receiver for wearable applications. The receiver is coupled with its compatible transmitter module, the Semtech TSWITX-G2-EVM/TSWITXG4-EVM, to form a complete wireless power transmission system. It has Wireless charging EVM firmware.

Tags: Semiconductores, Kits de Desarrollo para Semiconductor, Kits de Desarrollo de Control de Potencia.

Entrega y precio
Unidades/pack 1
Precio unitario 74,127€
Entrega 7 días