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Renesas Electronics, YCONNECT-IT-RZN1S

RZ/N1 solution kits include everything that is needed for fast evaluation and rapid prototyping of multiple industrial Ethernet protocols. Due to the unique combination of hardware and software, developers can focus only on developing the application. Multiple industrial Ethernet protocols have been integrated over a consistent communication abstraction layer. Transparent for the application software, this abstraction layer has a documented API which allows an independent development of the application software without having a deep knowledge about the details of IE protocols. Even more, these protocols can be easily exchanged, with a minimal impact on the application software.

Tags: Semiconductores, Kits de Desarrollo para Semiconductor, Kits de Desarrollo de Procesador y Microcontrolador.

Entrega y precio
Unidades/pack 1
Precio unitario 474,524€
Entrega 7 días